Portfolio of graphic facilitations
The mental health of migrants, the sense of work for French officials in social work, the mother-daughter relationship, the seminar of a BTP company on its social object, the issues at stake in the « Made in France », socio-professional integration, the question of gender, the victims of the grossophobia, the beer of the Hauts de France in the face of Belgian beer, drawing after-model in schools of art, writing according to Emmanuel Carrère, how to win a Goncourt prize by a member of the Academy, how to approach research in social work, the stakes of private clinics in France, etc. So many topics, and much more, addressed during the graphic facilitations that I carried out in France and Belgium and visible in this portfolio.
The rule at stake
Between those who apply it to the letter or reject it as a whole, accept or question it, defend it or fear it, we all have a singular and different approach to the rule of the game. But what is this relationship to the rule...
Game Rule – Workshop of November 15
Below are all the drawings made on Friday 15 November at the workshop at the Maison de la Création in Laeken.
Game Rule – Workshop of November 18
Below are all the drawings made on Monday 18 November at the workshop at the Maison de la Création in Laeken.
70 years of Adetem, birthday party
Drawings made live by Vincent Rif during the anniversary evening of the Adetm (Association nationale des professionnels du marketing) is a French non-profit association founded on May 26, 1954 and recognized as a public utility. It has more...
What mothers, what girls?
Saturday, November 9, 2024, at the Mercelis Theatre, Ixelles, was held Chambard, a day of "Artistic Perspectives on Parenthood" In this context, the performance of Nina Eeklaer and Magali Minor took place (actors of the word of the Theatre of the Word, "What...
51st National Day of Study and Training, in facilitations and sketches
The Association of Directors, Directors and Executives of the Social, Medical, Social and Health Sector organized its 51st National Day of Study and Training (JNEF) in Nancy at the Prouvé Centre from 25 to 27 September 2024. The social, medical and social sector...
Accommodating migrants
At the beginning of 2024, the Red Cross organized a meeting of its European officials responsible for organising the reception of migrants. I had the pleasure of creating two large panels in graphic facilitation/sketchnoting of good practices in Belgium in this...
Counselling of migrants
Background Excerpts from a graphic facilitation on the counselling of migrants, during a training of social workers, for the Federation of CPAS. The training was given by the Asbl Espace 28 which a social and legal service specialized in the law of...
Citizen housing of migrants
Graphical facilitations and sketchnotings on migrants' receptionNovember 2023, I made live graphic facilitations and sketchnotes around workshops on citizen accommodation organized by the Red Cross. The objective of the Safe Homes project in...
Occupational integration of migrants
Graphic facilitation on iPad for a day of study organized by the Federation of CPAS and the CreSaM Mental Health Center on the occupational integration of migrants. Below are drawings made on October 13 in Namur. Background The number of migrants...
Orienting young people in a world in transition
Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the Asbl Pôle Louvain organized the conference "Furnishing the orientation of young people in a world in transition, sacred challenge?". Day I facilitated graphically. Participants·were welcomed·is by two presentations animated by the...
Vivalto Health Convention
30 September, Vivalto Santé held its first Health Convention in the Defence district. A third route of co-governance with physicians is the specificity of this group. The Vivalto Santé group has governance bodies in which its members...
In short, one graphic facilitation never looks like another.
All facilitations:
Urbanism for the Grand Paris Seine Ouest
Visual facilitation, comic style, on the urban plan (PLUI) of the Grand Paris Seine Ouest. Paris – September 23, 2023.
Fayat Foundations in Seminar in Brussels
Graphic facilitation by Vincent Rif of the Fayat Foundations seminar. Or when managers of a large French company come to Brussels to discuss their project under the sign of the comic book
AI, Artificial Intelligence
Graphic facilitation for a retreat on AI, Artificial Intelligence organized by RTBF Academy – 21 June 2023 with workshops on use and use in languages and training
Isabelle Stengers
Portrait with black stone and feather of Isabelle Stengers. As part of a Kunstenfestivaldesarts conference
Fighting Grossophobia
Graphical facilitation of a conference on grossophobia, observed in the medical community. As part of the Thursday Health Conferences of the Province of Liège
HEC Liège
Graphical facilitation at HEC Liège by Vincent Rif, as part of a study on the image of the High School
Made in - Challenges and challenges
Made in – Challenges and challenges. Visual facilitation by Vincent Rif of a day of study on the concept of terroir, label, valorisation of local products or productions. For the Interreg-Similar programme at the University of Lille
Wedding designer
As a wedding designer, I capture key moments. My drawings highlight the...
European Civil Protection Forum
Visual and graphic facilitation of the 7th European Civil Protection Forum. The Square Convention Centre. Brussels. June 2022.
Portraits and visual facilitations
Portraits made during visual and graphic facilitations by Vincent Rif. Portraits of working groups, speakers, etc. Too simplified portraits hinder the readability and effectiveness of good visual synthesis.
Animation with Procreate
Animation type cartoons based on visual facilitations realized in Procreate to promote a day of study to announce color
Organic bias
Generic capsule of a video against prejudice on bio. Generic in DoodleVideo to collective catering managers (school canteens, Ephad, etc.). For Occitania seeds.
Volunteer: What status?
Visual facilitation for a day of study on volunteer status for the Fédération francophone des associations de patient et de familles and the spokesperson for health services users
International Symposium of the GIS Hybrida-IS, ASKORIA
Visual facilitation of the first international scientific symposium GIS Hybrida-IS, on social work research and developments in social work. May 2022, Askoria, Rennes.
School and democracy
Visual facilitation of a day of reflection, animation and inspiration on school democratization tools. Theatre, debate, verbal games,...On the initiative of the Asbl Advertise Color (Enabel).
Thierache's cow
Visual facilitation on Thiérache's cow as part of Interreg's webinar entitled « Cow stories ». History, specificities but also how this education fits into a sustainable and touristic approach.
Visual Job Sketchnoting
Drawings are "warmer" than graphics made by graphic programs and invites to look at. The drawing show more exactly what we want than photos from database of images like Corbis. And, the most important in recruiting, drawing shows a human touch.
The Cresam in Doodle Video
Crésam, Mental Health Reference Centre, presented as a Doodle Video, between video animation and visual facilitation
Social and therapeutic work
What place for the therapeutic project in social work for foreign people suffering from psychosocial disorders? Social and therapeutic work in visual facilitation
Gender and exile
Like and exile. "Cumulate layers of discrimination (« Sexism + Racism » or « Homophobia + Racism ») is not equivalent to « only do the sum » of the violence suffered because the various discriminations interact between them." That is the observation...
Animation and drawings of 3HR video
Video capsule animation and presentation of 3HR services for its website and social networks. White Board style drawing, animation with Adobe After Effects.
Presentation in comics
Two very different mentions of the Bachelor's degree are offered in the Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Societies of the University of Lille, for distinct outlets: Languages, Literatures, Foreign and Regional Civilizations (LLCER) and Applied Foreign Languages (LEA).
How to save water
Simple tips and tricks to save and have lasting gestures towards water in a visual facilitation board. Illustration / visual facilitation for a book to be published in March 2022 at CLE International.
Digital sovereignty and autonomy
Visual facilitation of a debate between Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs, and Mathieu Michel, State Secretary for Digitalisation. As part of the opening of France's presidency of the European Union.
21st Century Skills and Training
Visual facilitation on 21st century skills and training as part of a series of conferences on digital development
Plato versus Aristotle
Visual facilitations and illustrations for the book « Plato versus Aristotle, a Joyful Initiation Philosophy » Luc de Brabandere
New narratives and new imaginations
Visual facilitation of a conference on new narratives and audio-visual productions in augmented and virtual reality, as part of a series of conferences on digital issues and the French Presidency of the European Union
Draft event report
Drawing report of the demonstration of the socio-professional integration sector of the Brussels region of 26 October 2021 in the centre of Brussels
Crisis and social work
Visual facilitation of a day of study on the social work of CPAS against current crises (energy prices, floods, Covid)
Parenthood in the face of exile
Visual facilitation of a conference on the mental health of people in exile, especially pre-natal care
Networking on exile
Visual facilitation of a conference on mental health in exile and networking of social services
Adolescence in exile
« Adolescence in exile » is a visual facilitation of training for social workers. It was developed by Ulysse, a mental health service that « to facilitate access to mental health assistance for persons exiled in precarious conditions of stay and psychological suffering
induction and deduction
Luc de Brabandere, a philisophe, explains in the daily La Libre of 17 August the concept of induction and deduction. Illustration, visual facilitation of Vincent Rif for the daily La Libre.
The life of the boss
The life of a boss explained to the children. A book by Jérôme Fourest for OKIDOKID editions. A 2021 project is being implemented.
School of Excellence
School of Excellence, WhiteBoard video animation by Vincent Rif (drawing, visual facilitation and video animation)
Video Scribing
The video scribing or whiteboard animation, brings together drawings, texts, keywords, noise and voice-off in a classic video format.
Protected: Intercultural relations
There is no extract because this publication is protected.
Active listening and professional posture
Active listening and professional posture in accompaniment – Visual facilitation of mental health training organised by the CPAS Union
The EXTRA label
The Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the French Embassy in Belgium supports culture through the label, festival and the EXTRA podcast. Graphic strip explanation – Visual facilitation. For the communication of the French Embassy in Belgium.
Intercultural relations
Visual facilitation on intercultural relations for the union of CPAS and Ulysses, pure mental health center exiled
Understanding and acting on trauma
Visual facilitation on trauma. In the scientific literature, psychological trauma is generally understood as the development of symptoms after being exposed to one or more situations of risk of physical or psychological annihilation in impotence, i.e. without the possibility of escaping or preventing it.
MSCA cofund
An Graphic Recording of Vincent Rif during a online conference organized by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The colours set by the event 25th March 2021.
Sex without a tomorrow
Facilitation of a presentation by Daria Sobocinska, PhD student in sociology at the University of Lille. The conference was entitled "Sexuality without a tomorrow: a subversive practice?" and was held as part of the Young Researchers Festival in the city.
Visual, visual facilitations and humor drawings for a webinar on micro-brewery in the border triangle Flanders, Wallonia, Hauts-de-France. Organized by Interreg.
PHC Funding Sunflower
Explanation of a PHC Funding Comic Strip Sunflower. For the communication of the French Embassy in Belgium.
Young Researchers in the City Festival
The ninth Festival Jeunes Cherchers dans la Cité will be held live with visual facilitations, sketches and humorous drawings.
This year, the Brussels edition will take place on February 20-27, 2021. The discussions will focus primarily on the contemporary era and explore various themes, including the history of the Chloe Fashion House, the education of young people in emotional and sexual relations, and Theresa May's discourse in a society where cosmopolitanism and populism clash.
Hybrid cotutelles
Hybrid cotutelles explained in comic book form. Promotion tools for the French Embassy in Belgium.
The Night of Ideas
From Fiji Islands to San Francisco, Night of Ideas is an exceptional 24-hour digital experience for a world tour of thought. Vincent Rif's visual promotion tool as part of the Year of Comics for the French Embassy in Belgium.
Studies in France
15 and 16 January 2020, Virtual Exhibition of Studies in France for Belgian young people. Vincent Rif's visual promotion tool as part of the Year of Comics for the French Embassy in Belgium.
Festivals, responsible events
For regional meetings of responsible events, visual facilitation with humor with event organizers
Waffle stories in facilitation
Visual facilitation during the Waffle Stories webinar, organized by the Similar programme of the University of Lille.
The Goncourt Choice of Belgium
The choice Goncourt from Belgium explained in visual facilitation and comics. Visual promotion tool within the framework of the Year of Comics for the Embassy of France in Belgium.
The thesis cotutelle
The thesis cotutelle explained in visual facilitation and comics. for the Embassy of France in Belgium.
Transition, Politics and the Citizen
Visual facilitations for Occitanie seed as part of the webinar entitled « Public policies, ecological transition and citizen mobilization », as part of the closing day of the EEDD Regional Assembly. Facilitation with Procreate and broadcast live via Zoom.
Meeting with Pierre Assouline
On 19 November, the Embassy of France in Belgium and Passa Porta organized an online conference with Pierre Assouline, member of the Goncourt Academy [whose prize will be announced on 30 November]. Jurors of the Goncourt Choice of Belgium were mainly invited there.
Here is the report in visual facilitation (or Graphic recording) with a BD tip (2020, year of comics).
Waffle history
Visual promotion of a Franco-Belgian webinar entitled "Histoire de waufres", organized by the University of Lille with the support of the French Embassy in Belgium.Making-of
Matignon, 28 March
Sketchnoting at the Matignon press conference (on LCI) on 28 March 2020, during the health crisis of VOCID-19. Tool used: Clip Studio on iPad Pro.
Visual facilitation for Interfed
On 22 November, visual facilitations and live reporting were drawn during the Interfédé's Open Doors formed by mini-conferences and shows (L'Interfédé coordinates the action of the Centres d'intégration socioprofessionnel (CISP) in Wallonia). All...
Visual facilitation in video
Visual facilitation is beautiful and practical. But to share it on its social networks, it's better to make a video.
The celebration of 1030 Café
Drawn report (watercolour, Posca pencils, Arches and 6B pencils) for the third anniversary of the 1030 Café
Draft meeting summary
Live abstract designed and humorous meeting. On iPad and bilingual (French-Dutch)
Presentation of a new Huawei
Presentation of a new Huaweis flagship – a new Graphic Recording by Vincent Rif
Who owns Huawei?
Who owns Huawei? An explanation in comics and graphic recording
Count for butter
Count for butter – a drawing expression
Responding to violence in schools
Visual guide to violence in a school
Code of Living Together at School
Code of Living together designed for a kindergarten and primary school
Emmanuel Guibert
Sketch by Emmanuel Guibert as part of the Cosmos festival in Brussels
Social impact of integration
Illustration of the social impact of socio-professional integration.
Vincent Rif in comic video
Presentation of my visual facilitation activities in video designed on Whiteboard. In addition to my services as a press cartoonist and illustrator for youth, I propose the production of graphic videos.
Facilitator in comic video
Video presentation by Vincent Rif, press cartoonist, youth illustrator and graphic comics artist. Thanks to his experience in these three areas of activity and his training in journalism, he developed activities as a facilitator...
Fabrice Midal and Meditation
Graphic facilitation of a Midal Fabrice Lecture on Meditation
How do we get genocidal?
Drawings made on iPad during a conference on genocide. By Damien Vandermeersch, Advocate General, Court of Cassation
Court of seats
Illustration to explain the court of assizes in France. This is the seatyard of Calvados. For a book published by the Belin editions.
Drawing report
Visual facilitation (drafted report) of Amnesty International Belgium's 2006 General Assembly