Dad hairdresser

Books illustrated by Vincent Rif for a young audience as well as an adult audience. Books published mainly in France and Belgium. Some have been translated and are available in Poland, South Korea, Greece, the Netherlands and China. Rif is also author-writer for the Kennes Publishing and other ongoing projects.

BD Molière Avarus

Adaptation in comic strip by L的Avare de Molière. Text adapted by Régis Delpeuch and published in the journal Eléphant Junior

100 Bizarre Vragen

Publication of the Dutch version of 100 stupid comparisons, a book written by Stéphane Frattini and illustrated by Vincent Rif. First published by La Martinière Jeunesse.

Plato versus Aristotle

Visual facilitations and illustrations for the book « Plato versus Aristotle, a Joyful Initiation Philosophy » Luc de Brabandere


100 Bizarre Vragen

100 Bizarre Vragen

Publication of the Dutch version of 100 stupid comparisons, a book written by Stéphane Frattini and illustrated by Vincent Rif. First published by La Martinière Jeunesse.

Plato versus Aristotle

Plato versus Aristotle

Visual facilitations and illustrations for the book « Plato versus Aristotle, a Joyful Initiation Philosophy » Luc de Brabandere



Close to my home in Brussels, lives a young author with a magnificent rock accent from southwestern France. His name is Régis Delpeuch. This word lover has many books to his credit. One day, Régis Delpeuch proposed to me to put in images a...

The life of the boss

The life of the boss

The life of a boss explained to the children. A book by Jérôme Fourest for OKIDOKID editions. A 2021 project is being implemented.

Can we laugh at coughing?

Can we laugh at coughing?

Provisional coverage of a compilation of comic drawings and boards on the containment and crisis of coronavirus. Publication mid-August 2020 at Kennes Editions. More information to come.

Le fantôme de l’internat

Le fantôme de l’internat

Cover for a Story-Express, « The ghost of boarding school », a story written by Beatrice Ruffié Lucas. And illustrations of the inside pages.

Grandma Henriette's bug

Grandma Henriette's bug

This post illustrates a color cover drawing and black and white interior illustrations by Vincent Rif. The texts are by Céline Rey and were published in January 2019 by the Averbode editions in the Récit Express collection. The illustrations of the inside pages were made in the opinion.

Mystery in the room

Mystery in the room

Colour illustrations of the cover and inside pages of « Mystère à la Colo ». 2018. Editions Averbode, Collection TireRead.

The Book of Quantities at Editions La Martinière Jeunesse

The Book of Quantities at Editions La Martinière Jeunesse

How many grains of sand are there on a beach? How many languages do we speak in the world? How many microbes are in a drop of saliva? How many paws has a thousand paws? How much hair do we have on our heads? How many muscles does it take to...

Candleman, Amnesty International explained to children

Candleman, Amnesty International explained to children

Drawing and layout of Bougieman's cover, educational story for Amnesty International. This publication, based on a text by Roland d'Hoop, is no longer available. Amnesty has indeed changed its mandate and the priorities of its missions (whose actions...

The land of children

The land of children

A book on the social living conditions of children around the world for the Milan editions.

Children cycling

Children cycling

The illustrated brochure for the Belgian Institute of Road Safety (IBSR, now the VIAS Institute).

Why do cigarettes tempt you?

Why do cigarettes tempt you?

This book is intended for young or future smokers. He asks good questions such as: « Why do I want to start smoking? Why am I continuing? »
