graphic facilitation pole Louvain introduction

Tuesday 10 October 2023, asbl Louvain Pole organized the conference «Feeding the orientation of young people in a world in transition, a challenge? ». Day I made graphically easier.

Participants·were welcomed·two presentations by the following stakeholders:

  • Nicolas Gazon, Professor of History, Advisor in orientation and Reference for the ecological and social transition to the diocese of Liège with« One Life?! Towards an increasingly "existent" orientation». Trainer to Self seeds.
graphic facilitation pole Louvain Grass 1
  • Matthieu Peltier, Professor of Philosophy at the High School EPHEC, radio columnist on The First and co-author of the show conference: ecology when it is too late with « To orientate on board the Titanic: how to give our future when our future is dark?
graphic facilitation pole peltier peltier peltier matthieu 1
graphic facilitation pole Louvain Peltier Robustesse

The afternoon was devoted to the presentation of original tools to guide young people in this transition world. Of which one Workshop on the Educational Approach to Guidance, moderated by Laurent Clairembourg, Assistant Master in Psychopedagogy and Guidance Advisor at HE Vinci, and Sabrina Gérard, Assistant Master in Philosophy Education and Citizenship and Guidance Advisor at the HE Vinci.

graphic facilitation pole Louvain tools guide

All the graphic facilitations and content of this rich day is on the next page of Pôle Louvain.

If you want to see other graphic facilitations made by Vincent Rif, click here.
