Visual facilitation of a day of reflection and animations on the tools of democracy at school. On the initiative of Advertise Color. The aim of this programme is to anchor education with global citizenship in education. To achieve this objective, it has three complementary strategies: strengthening the teaching practices of educational actors, innovation, development and sharing of expertise and knowledge, and strategic support (institutional dialogue). And she's part of EnabelThe Belgian Development Agency, which carries out Belgian government cooperation.
The day was divided into five parts:
1) The theater room The Contrun, adaptation of the Charly Magonza, Agathe Mortelecq, after Speech of voluntary servitude of the Étienne de la Boétie. Mstage Charly Magonza, Agathe Mortelecq
2) Debate on the coin with Charly Magonza
3) One oratory joute organized by thees Citizens' expression ambassadors. The joustes oratories are confrontations of arguments between protagonists who do not have the choice of their position. Depending on the context and objectives, joustes can take various forms: individual or team, with or without preparation, on political, societal or humorous subjects.
(4) One open forum also organized by theCitizens' Ambassadors. The open forum is an animation and exchange technique. It bets the freedom of participants to boost collective intelligence and the emergence of solutions to challenges identified together.
(5) Conclusion