menu of the study day on the concept of Made In de Interreg Similar from the University of Lille - Visual facilitation

On 30 September 2022, the Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Lille and Interreg-Simlilar organized a great day of study on the concept of « Made In ». A concept with variable geometry. A first part mapped consumers of the « Made in » through a field study. Two researchers from Lombardy then presented the challenges and challenges of local products. Is it 100% local production? Are all the ingredients from the terroir? One of the conferences then analysed the use of local languages to value a product? Emotional game or marketing strategy. Another researcher analysed the use of the Blockchain to help, or trap, the consumer. Finally, a presentation of cross-border companies would close this study day.

Throughout the day, I produced live visual facilitations and mood drawings on a medium screen attached to the speakers' PowerPoints.

A fun approach but above all a synthesis of a rich 7-hour study day. Some 40 drawings were produced live. Here's a selection.

Made in : a concept with variable geometry

By Cristina Longo, University of Lille and Isabelle Robert, University of Lille

Study on the concept of Made In France - visual facilitation
Development of food heritage

Valorisation by geographical indications, territorial marks, inscriptions in UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage
Lecture by Diego Rinallo and Marta Pizzetti (emlyon business school, Lifestyle Research Center).

registration of local products to UNESCO heritage - visual facilitation of Vincent Rif
Defending terroirs and regional languages: the same fight

By Fatiha Fort, Agro Montpellier Institute

promotion of regional languages and marketing - visual facilitation
Authenticate and record the made-in by the blockchain

By Florent Saucède, Agro Montpellier Institute

the blockchain- Florent Saucede conference in visual facilitation on the Made in
How can the link between researchers and local companies be strengthened in order to promote the field in?

And presentation of the AAPRO Chair (Advantages and Acceptability of Alternative Proteins)

By Gaëlle Pantin-Sohier and Fanny Thomas, University of Angers, Research Laboratory GRANEM (Angevin Research Group in Economics and Management)

Presentation of the objectives of the aapro Chair
How can the link between researchers and local companies be strengthened in order to promote the field in?

And presentation of the AAPRO Chair (Advantages and Acceptability of Alternative Proteins)

By Gaëlle Pantin-Sohier and Fanny Thomas, University of Angers, Research Laboratory GRANEM (Angevin Research Group in Economics and Management)

Presentation of the objectives of the aapro Chair
Round table on made in?

Testimonials from entrepreneurs working to promote food heritage and local and regional know-how.

Presentation of Licques Volailles
poultry-lick-presentation in visual facilitation
Presentation of the Lesire cheese factory
poultry-lick-presentation in visual facilitation

Ambience drawings

Some drawings made live throughout the day to pin or extend topics for discussion.
