Illustration of an article of philosophy on reason and derision, written by Luc de Brabandere, philosopher of enterprise (author a book which I illustrated and which was published by the Social Sciences and Humanities) for the Belgian daily Freedom of 29 November 2021.
« What will be the next age of human thought? That of dangerous deronation, as some creationists or transhumanists fear? In the face of a troubled world, we feel the need to understand what is happening. This was already the case with our distant ancestors, and what differentiates us from them is therefore not this legitimate question, but rather the way to position oneself. In its relationship to the environment, the Hunain being has a double choice to make. may have a passive attitude or want to be an actor of change, and he may want to use reason or not. By combining them, four different posts are thus possible which appear chronologically in the illustration above... « Introduction of the article.