Illustration of 100 stupid but not so stupid comparisons... for the young Martinière. 100 texts by Stéphane Frattini illustrated by 100 drawings by Rif

100 stupid comparisons but not so stupid...

A book illustrated by Vincent Rif for the Martinière Jeunesse. 100 texts by Stéphane Frattini with 100 color drawings by Vincent Rif.



A successful bet to learn a lot of things without looking like it!

Do we have more eyelashes or eyebrows? Would we die faster without sleeping or eating? Are more texts or emails sent every day in the world? In this book, Stéphane Frattini works to give meaning to all the stupid comparisons to which we do not always have answers. It brings answers that are sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes anecdotal.

Stéphane Frattini wrote plays for the radio (France Inter) and worked in graphic design and the press before turning to the youth edition. He has published some fifty books, notably in Milan.

From 8 years.
14.5 x 25.5 cm.
208 pages.
EUR 14.90.
Released on 5 April 2018.

See the other three books illustrated by Vincent Rif for the Editions de La Martinière Jeunesse in Bibliography.

Book of 100 stupid but not so dumb comparisons - cover trial

Book of 100 stupid but not so dumb comparisons - cover trial



Are there more cows than pigs in the world?

Below, a few inside pages.



The Chinese, Polish (below) and Korean versions of this book are available.

In Polish, 100 stupid comparisons but not so stupid by Vincent Rif

The Korean version of 100 comparisons...
