51st National Day of Study and Training, in facilitations and sketches
CDA ( held its 51st National Day of Study and Training ( ssociation of Irectors, irectors and Directorates for the social, medico-social and health sector)JNEF) in Nancy at the Prouvé Centre from 25 to 27 September 2024.
The social, medico-social and health sector is caught in a whirlwind of perpetual changes which have a very significant impact on the meaning and relation to the work and employment of its professionals.

Moreover, the impact of the existential crisis associated with the covid-19 pandemic is probably deeper in this sector than in others. The health crisis has been a sign of the suffering and unthinking nature of the sector, and many professionals consider the responses of the Government to be very inadequate. The « Activism » who once animated our professionals has evolved. However, young generations of graduates are not disinterested, but the forms of engagement that mobilize them are more in the societal and environmental fields, such as the challenges of ecological transition.
From now on, in social work establishments and services, everyone, regardless of their occupation, function, hierarchical position, seniority and competence, is questioning the meaning of their work and their true employability.
Here is a graphical facilitation report by Vincent Rif conferences, round tables and OFF moments of this conference. In chronological order.
Thursday, 26 September
International Round Table
The power to act of individuals and collectives:
How institutions mobilise
resources of welcomed persons ?
Animation round table : Philippe Hirlet, Training framework IRTS LorraineResearcher
Speakers :
- White Mathias, University of Luxembourg
– Sylvia Garcia-Delahaye, Associate Professor at the High School of Labour
Social Council of Geneva
– Sandrine Kloeditz, Mother of two children with disabilities, Mission Officer Handicap – IRTS Lorraine
– Christine Brusque, Founding Member of theNational Association for the Development of the Power to Act Approach (ANDADPA), Trainer in the approach centered on the Development of People and Collective Power (DPAPC), Change Management Consultant
– Gérard Zribi, Doctor of Psychology, former Director General of Association, President ofARFI Training. Former ministerial adviser and author of numerous books on disability
Thursday, 26 September
Address and conference:
The White Paper on Social Work: how to raise awareness
the challenge of attractiveness of our trades?
Mathieu Klein, Mayor of Nancy and President of High Social Labour Council
Friday 27 September – morning
Round table:
Attractive trades
Animation round table: Bernard Balzani, Professor of Universities in Sociology, University of Lorraine – IAE Nancy
– Cyprien Avenel, Expert Advisor for Social Work – DGCS
– Marcel Jaeger, Professor emeritus of the CNAM
– Isabelle Richard, Director of theEHESP
The drawings of the OFF part
See the website of the Transformer.