active listening - mental health, covid adolescence and children in exile


Illustrations by Vincent Rif on social themes (exile, gender identity, school, democracy, youth homes...). But also visual facilitations and animations exchange of good practice for associations.

The rule at stake

The rule at stake

Between those who apply it to the letter or reject it as a whole, accept or question it, defend it or fear it, we all have a singular and different approach to the rule of the game. But what is this relationship to the rule...

What mothers, what girls?

What mothers, what girls?

Saturday, November 9, 2024, at the Mercelis Theatre, Ixelles, was held Chambard, a day of "Artistic Perspectives on Parenthood" In this context, the performance of Nina Eeklaer and Magali Minor took place (actors of the word of the Theatre of the Word, "What...

Tenants and animals

Tenants and animals

Illustration by Vincent Rif for the magazine that choose on the rights of tenants to have pets

Accommodating migrants

Accommodating migrants

Accommodate migrants/good practices involving communities and migrants – infographics in French and English in facilitation for the Red Cross

Counselling of migrants

Counselling of migrants

Excerpt from a graphic facilitation on the counselling of migrants during a training of social workers for the CPAS union

Citizen housing of migrants

Citizen housing of migrants

Sketchnoting and graphic facilitation on migrants' citizens' accommodation during a Red Cross study day. The main focus is on the Ukrainian crisis.

Condominium work

Condominium work

Illustrations on the condominium works for the monthly n°172 What to choose Money from October 2023.

Orienting young people in a world in transition

Orienting young people in a world in transition

Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the Asbl Pôle Louvain organized the conference "Furnishing the orientation of young people in a world in transition, sacred challenge?". Day I facilitated graphically. Participants·were welcomed·is by two presentations animated by the...

AI, Artificial Intelligence

AI, Artificial Intelligence

Graphic facilitation for a retreat on AI, Artificial Intelligence organized by RTBF Academy – 21 June 2023 with workshops on use and use in languages and training
