Illustrations Youth

Papa hairdresser, a story written and designed for children of second primary by Vincent Rif for the Council of Education of Municipalities and Provinces

Illustrations by Vincent Rif for so-called publications « Youth ». Drawings and comics for magazines, books, but also of scripts.

The illustration of youth is special, an art in its own right. The children's book must be a vector of knowledge and wonder. « Through texts and images, young readers discover the world, dream and learn. The children's book transmits. It is a link between different generations. It is a wonderful medium of poetry and art. It is a source of emotion », extract of excellent « Youth Illustrator: a real profession! » of the Valerie Belmokhtar.


Book 100 stupid comparisons, not so dumb in Korean

100 stupid questions for Lamartinère Jeunesse

Graphic facilitation of university lectures on Made In

Le fantôme de l’internat

Illustration from Papa hairdresser

Dad hairdresser

Local consumption

for a sustainable diet charter

Pencils for a comic book by Vincent Rif

BD adaptation of Molière avalre

Illustrations for Averbode Youth Magazines


Dad hairdresser

Dad hairdresser

Papa hairdresser, a story written and designed for children of second primary by Vincent Rif for the Council of Education of Municipalities and Provinces

BD Molière Avarus

BD Molière Avarus

Adaptation in comic strip by L的Avare de Molière. Text adapted by Régis Delpeuch and published in the journal Eléphant Junior

100 Bizarre Vragen

100 Bizarre Vragen

Publication of the Dutch version of 100 stupid comparisons, a book written by Stéphane Frattini and illustrated by Vincent Rif. First published by La Martinière Jeunesse.

Virtual Exhibition of Studies in France

Virtual Exhibition of Studies in France

Are you a high school student (preparing a French or European Baccalaureate, your diploma at the end of high school, an IB, a CESS, an Abitur, an Abibac, a Franco-German Baccalaureate), a student (at the Bachelor/Licence, Master or Doctorate level), in a Benelux country?
Parents or education professionals?
Enter a fully virtual exhibition dedicated to graduate studies in France!



Close to my home in Brussels, lives a young author with a magnificent rock accent from southwestern France. His name is Régis Delpeuch. This word lover has many books to his credit. One day, Régis Delpeuch proposed to me to put in images a...

The life of the boss

The life of the boss

The life of a boss explained to the children. A book by Jérôme Fourest for OKIDOKID editions. A 2021 project is being implemented.



Illustration of the cover of a wolf story in a forest. An unpublished text by Jean-Luc Cornette for the students of 4th primary.



Adventure. Drawings for a children's book project.

Le fantôme de l’internat

Le fantôme de l’internat

Cover for a Story-Express, « The ghost of boarding school », a story written by Beatrice Ruffié Lucas. And illustrations of the inside pages.

My land, my plate

My land, my plate

Illustrations for asbl Ma terre, my plate on sustainable consumption. Drawings for a young audience.

Having a good tongue

Having a good tongue

Having a good tongue An expression of the French language drawn. Having a well hanged tongue appears as early as the fourteenth century in the form of "have a well followed tongue". It means that a person has the easy word and that he or she is well-meaning.
