
Illustrations by Vincent Rif for the Belgian economic daily, Echo. Editorial drawings between 2006 and 2008.

Echo Addresses an audience interested in economic and international news above all: from the marketer to the big boss of Bel 20, to politicians, the professions (lawyers, consultants), the sales manager, the marketing manager, the teacher of the superior, the student in Eco, Sciences Po, Law, the neo-boarder, the academic world... Wikipedia

Departure of Jean-Paul Votron de Fortis

Departure of Jean-Paul Votron de Fortis

Editorial drawing for the daily Echo. July 2008. "In the interest of the group, the Board of Directors of Fortis and Mr. Jean-Paul Votron agreed to terminate the mandate of CEO (executive director, ndlr) of Mr. Jean-Paul...

VW and electric cars

VW and electric cars

The future belongs to the electric car in the face of oil prices and environmental requirements, says Volkswagen's boss. "In the coming years, we will not ignore the petrol and diesel engine, but the future belongs to the car...

Inbev: Belgian beer floods

Inbev: Belgian beer floods

Inbev is attacking the American market. But the USA is suffering floods Drawing for the quotidieen I-Echo.

TEC: records of beaten association

TEC: records of beaten association

Drawing for the Echo. The Wallonia Transport Operator (formerly Société régionale Wallonne du transport) is the public transport company of the Walloon Region (Belgium). She uses the trade name « TEC » (Common Transport). His...

Tax freedom day

Tax freedom day

The « Tax Freedom Day » did not change in three years and falls again this year on 10 June 2008.

Didier Bellens and Belgacom

Didier Bellens and Belgacom

Inge Vervotte, Minister of Public Enterprises, would have received an opinion report from the board of directors of Belgacom. A report that would recommend not to renew Didier Bellens to his position as CEO of the telecom operator. According to Le Soir, three names of...

Event of fishermen in Brussels

Event of fishermen in Brussels

The European fishermen's protest movement against expensive diesel fuel moved to Brussels on Wednesday, where warm-ups occurred between demonstrators from France and Italy and the police, who arrested 74 people. Above my proposal...

Inflation record in Belgium

Inflation record in Belgium

Inflation is accelerating in Belgium. It reached a European record on an annual basis of 5.21%. We must return in 1985 to have such a high figure. Between April and May, the increase was very clear. [drawing for Echo]
