Illustration of an article of philosophy on reason and derision, written by Luc de Brabandere for the Belgian daily La Libre
Miscellaneous press
Illustrations by Vincent Rif for various magazines and daily newspapers, Belgian and French.
induction and deduction
Luc de Brabandere, a philisophe, explains in the daily La Libre of 17 August the concept of induction and deduction. Illustration, visual facilitation of Vincent Rif for the daily La Libre.
Some philosophers
Portraits of a few major philosophers in history for the journal Social Sciences and Humanities to be published in July 2021
On the Internet, you don't learn to learn
Illustration by Vincent Rif/Cartoonbase for an article by Luc de Brabandere entitled « On the Internet we don't learn to learn » for La Libre of 26 April 2021
The second wave is here!
The second wave of VOCID-19 would be already. Are you ready? Why not read the instructions for use again « Can we laugh at coughing? », published at Editions Kennes.
Social impact of integration
Illustration of the social impact of socio-professional integration.
In the room of endless expectations
Sketch made in the champion of waiting rooms. Please note that ceiling screens indicate the numbers called. These drawings were published in the July 2018 magazine L'Essor which devoted a dossier to the reception.
Employment against austerity policies in Belgium
Cover drawing of the magazine Essor, published by the Interfédé in December 2015
Green economy in Europe
Illustration by Vincent Rif, illustrator and graphic recorder, on Green economy in Europe for the EESC Magazine. June 2015.
Unemployment law
Illustration on unemployment rights
Family law
Illustration by Vincent Rif for an article on family law for the magazine published by Daily Rights
Minimum income in Europa
CPAS, Public Social Action Centres
Illustration on pure CPAS asbl Daily rights.
Complaint for rape in Belgium
Illustration for an article on the difficulty of filing a complaint in Belgium for rape. For Amnesty International Belgium's April 2014 magazine. There is an information site for victims of sexual assault.
A well-informed consumer is worth two!
Drawings on conditions of sale.
BD board for Oxfam
Comic board for Oxfam-Magasins du Monde's Declic magazine.
Illustrations for «News» Oxfam magazine, Declic
Declic is the magazine published by the NGO Oxfam-Magasins du Monde. It is a publication for young people aged 6 to 30.
Young astronomy enthusiasts
Illustration on young astronomy enthusiasts for Ciel & Espace magazine