
Portfolio of press drawingsand graphical facilitations Vincent Rif on the theme of economy (macroeconomic or microeconomic). Business life, investment, management, management, human resources, shortages, inflation, entrepreneurship, etc.

Tenants and animals

Tenants and animals

Illustration by Vincent Rif for the magazine that choose on the rights of tenants to have pets

Condominium work

Condominium work

Illustrations on the condominium works for the monthly n°172 What to choose Money from October 2023.

Vivalto Health Convention

Vivalto Health Convention

Visual facilitation of the Vivalto Health Convention – reporting drawing of presentations and ambient drawings

HEC Liège

HEC Liège

Graphical facilitation at HEC Liège by Vincent Rif, as part of a study on the image of the High School

Made in - Challenges and challenges

Made in - Challenges and challenges

Made in – Challenges and challenges. Visual facilitation by Vincent Rif of a day of study on the concept of terroir, label, valorisation of local products or productions. For the Interreg-Similar programme at the University of Lille

Thierache's cow

Thierache's cow

Visual facilitation on Thiérache's cow as part of Interreg's webinar entitled « Cow stories ». History, specificities but also how this education fits into a sustainable and touristic approach.

Animation and drawings of 3HR video

Animation and drawings of 3HR video

Video capsule animation and presentation of 3HR services for its website and social networks. White Board style drawing, animation with Adobe After Effects.

General Site Conditions

General Site Conditions

Illustration by Vincent Rif on the general conditions of the site to illustrate an article in the monthly Que Choisir from February 2022.

Digital sovereignty and autonomy

Digital sovereignty and autonomy

Visual facilitation of a debate between Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs, and Mathieu Michel, State Secretary for Digitalisation. As part of the opening of France's presidency of the European Union.

Dealing with unpaid rents

Dealing with unpaid rents

Faced with unpaid rents during the Covid health crisis. illustrations by Vincent Rif for a dossier of the magazine Que Choisir Argent à parir au mois d'october 2021

The life of the boss

The life of the boss

The life of a boss explained to the children. A book by Jérôme Fourest for OKIDOKID editions. A 2021 project is being implemented.



Visual, visual facilitations and humor drawings for a webinar on micro-brewery in the border triangle Flanders, Wallonia, Hauts-de-France. Organized by Interreg.

Harassment of sellers

Harassment of sellers

Harassment of electricity operators' contract vendors – Vincent Rif's humor drawing for the magazine What to Choose

Fiber or ADSL?

Fiber or ADSL?

Fiber or ADSL? Orange and Free operators force the consumer to take the fiber. Illustration for the magazine Que Choisir from February 2020.

The language of insurers

The language of insurers

The language of insurers can cause fear and misunderstanding. Research in the context of a price offer.

Money whitening

Money whitening

Whitening allows this so-called black money to look clean, i.e. to look honest.

A life of pasha

A life of pasha

A life of pasha – An expression seen and reviewed by Vincent Rif

Fatted cows

Fatted cows

Oily cows Design proposal for a dictionary of French expressions. An expression whose origin dates back to a passage in the Old Testament relating Joseph's history. This prophet interprets a dream of Pharaoh, who saw the coming out of the Nile seven...

The underground economy

The underground economy

The underground economy An expression of the French language reviewed and rereaded by Vincent Rif to illustrate a book by Jacques Mercier.
