Comic strip

Creative AI tests

Creative Tests of the IA Quick Comics Boards by Vincent Rif, around the theme of the AI (artificial intelligence) at the creative level. Is AI a threat to illustrators and the creative world in general? The best way to find out is...

BD Infographic

Infographic in BD format. illustrations produced to explain the Dipreau platform, a tool against water pollution

Narrative mascots

Creation of two mascots to explain the social object and values of a company, here Fayat Foundations. Narrative mascots are a creative and fun way to explain your company's values and social object. With cartoon illustrations, your mascots will come alive and give an original dimension to your communication.

My comic book portfolio contains a lot of work done for publications intended primarily for children, such as Erasmus editions, The Martinière Jeunesse and the magazine Elephant Junior. I'm not just a kid. Because I screen and draw comics for an adult audience, including one on the VOCID period. andArtificial intelligence (working in progress). In addition, I create comic boards for the Communication and business.

Why use comics in communication?

The comic book offers a visual and playful approach to convey complex information in a clear and easily understandable way. I like to deconstruct difficult concepts and make them accessible to all. Let it be to explain the special features of a university faculty, a company's values or even to adapt classical literary works (Avare de Molière), comics is a powerful tool for effective communication.

Do not hesitate to Contact me to discuss your project.

Portfolio « comic strip »

Comic boards for youth magazines, educational boards, visual facilitations for communication, comics on artificial intelligence or Covid, etc. Examples of my comic book productions.

BD Infographic

BD Infographic

Infographic in BD format. illustrations produced to explain the Dipreau platform, a tool against water pollution

Narrative mascots

Narrative mascots

Creation of two mascots to explain the social object and values of a company, here Fayat Foundations. Narrative mascots are a creative and fun way to explain your company's values and social object. With cartoon illustrations, your mascots will come alive and give an original dimension to your communication.

BD Molière Avarus

BD Molière Avarus

Adaptation in comic strip by L的Avare de Molière. Text adapted by Régis Delpeuch and published in the journal Eléphant Junior

Presentation in comics

Presentation in comics

Two very different mentions of the Bachelor's degree are offered in the Faculty of Languages, Cultures and Societies of the University of Lille, for distinct outlets: Languages, Literatures, Foreign and Regional Civilizations (LLCER) and Applied Foreign Languages (LEA).

How to save water

How to save water

Simple tips and tricks to save and have lasting gestures towards water in a visual facilitation board. Illustration / visual facilitation for a book to be published in March 2022 at CLE International.

Virtual Exhibition of Studies in France

Virtual Exhibition of Studies in France

Are you a high school student (preparing a French or European Baccalaureate, your diploma at the end of high school, an IB, a CESS, an Abitur, an Abibac, a Franco-German Baccalaureate), a student (at the Bachelor/Licence, Master or Doctorate level), in a Benelux country?
Parents or education professionals?
Enter a fully virtual exhibition dedicated to graduate studies in France!

Lucky Luke 75 Years

Lucky Luke 75 Years

Vincent Rif's contribution to the collective exhibition « Lucky Luke 75 Years » at the House of the Image (Brussels). Fall 2021.

The life of the boss

The life of the boss

The life of a boss explained to the children. A book by Jérôme Fourest for OKIDOKID editions. A 2021 project is being implemented.

The EXTRA label

The EXTRA label

The Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the French Embassy in Belgium supports culture through the label, festival and the EXTRA podcast. Graphic strip explanation – Visual facilitation. For the communication of the French Embassy in Belgium.

PHC Funding Sunflower

PHC Funding Sunflower

Explanation of a PHC Funding Comic Strip Sunflower. For the communication of the French Embassy in Belgium.

Hybrid cotutelles

Hybrid cotutelles

Hybrid cotutelles explained in comic book form. Promotion tools for the French Embassy in Belgium.

The Night of Ideas

The Night of Ideas

From Fiji Islands to San Francisco, Night of Ideas is an exceptional 24-hour digital experience for a world tour of thought. Vincent Rif's visual promotion tool as part of the Year of Comics for the French Embassy in Belgium.
