
Illustrations for the periodicals of Averbode, a Belgian youth publishing house..


school of old and now
Le fantôme de l’internat

Le fantôme de l’internat

Cover for a Story-Express, « The ghost of boarding school », a story written by Beatrice Ruffié Lucas. And illustrations of the inside pages.

School and now

School and now

Double page dedicated to the school of Dantan for the magazine Bonjour des Éditions Averbode.

Grandma Henriette's bug

Grandma Henriette's bug

This post illustrates a color cover drawing and black and white interior illustrations by Vincent Rif. The texts are by Céline Rey and were published in January 2019 by the Averbode editions in the Récit Express collection. The illustrations of the inside pages were made in the opinion.

Mystery in the room

Mystery in the room

Colour illustrations of the cover and inside pages of « Mystère à la Colo ». 2018. Editions Averbode, Collection TireRead.

Why Learn Latin

Why Learn Latin

Drawings illustrating a dossier on Latin learning, for Averbode Editions, September 2013.

DIY recovery

DIY recovery

Small comic book to explain a small DIY of recovery materials. For the magazine Bonjour des éditions Averbode. Drawings by Vincent Rif.

The Balloon Game

The Balloon Game

Comics to explain a game for children. For the magazine Bonjour, Averbode editions. The illustrations are accompanied by explanatory texts. Drawings and script by Vincent Rif.

Mathilde does shopping

Mathilde does shopping

Drawing for the Mathilde section of the magazine Spring, Averbode editions. Mathilde initiates children into mathematics.
